Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Temple Of Man Design Criteria



The major work of Schwaller de Lubicz in his two huge volume books “The Temple of Man” and the contributions of his step-daughter Lucie Lamy are finally given their proper respect in the academic community via some modern technical analysis.  A composite diagram from those books was imported into ACAD AutoSketch and precision ACAD lines constructed over the original scan. There is nothing magic or super high tech about this approach.  The solution of 8 separate equations is just a more complex extension of high school mathematics.  The use of MathCAD from Mathsoft makes it all seem simple for those mathematically challenged.

In the CAD system lines are drawn very precise and thin to fit the image as close as possible.  The lines in the image are made large to be more visible. It is amazing how the dimensionless ratios match up to five digits of precision.  On the left side, note that in each rectangular area “angle A” is at eleven o’clock and “B”, “C” and “D” follow clockwise. This diagram is repeated below for ease of reference.
One can see two separate ratios develop the same product in the diagram below.
The setup for the Mathcad model is shown below and developed from the relationships in the diagram above.  The number (13125/10000)^(2) = 1.722656 suggested by 1.7228118.
Obviously the second column is the one appropriate for the design. If one simply redrew outline around the two areas, all the angles would change a very small amount, but the ratios would remain about the same.  One cannot fudge one angle without at least one other angle changing with it. The only way the given rectangle of angles can improve is by substituting the angles from the model.
It should be obvious that this so-called Temple at Luxor was not built to be a work of art or a magical place to sacrifice virgin goats.  You can see the ACAD measured angles are given in the top blue rectangle as A1, B1, C1 and D1 clockwise and color coded. Corresponding angles for the lower rectangle are shown in the red box with the same color coding clockwise.
One might be intrigued by how the Temple Designer decided to select these particular angles, since they vary from 90 degrees sufficiently to suggest they were not trying to be right angles and the simple difference from 90 indicate no obvious pattern. With 8 individual pieces of data, there are a very large number of potential combinations for which there might be some clue as to why this particular distribution of angles was selected. (see www.giza-footprint.blogspot.com ) For a similar differentiation from perfect right angles.
Model repeated for ease of use:
In the nine identities shown in black (numbered in red), the first two are obvious in that the sum of the angles of any rectangle must be 360 degrees. The second two were easy to find in a spreadsheet by just checking the sum of various pairs.  It is not so much that these two sums were nice round numbers like 190 and 170, but that all the rest were nothing even close to any type of system in the sums.
In the 5th identity, it was natural to check the difference of two angles and also to check dimensionless ratios of two angles and since the answer to each was similar there was no separate identity to set them to, so they were just set equal to each other. At this point one does not even suspect that there will ever be enough identities to even think about a solution. But we know the designer/builder put a lot of effort into the Temple, and surely he had some reason for picking the angles.
Identities 6 and 7 begin to take the analysis into a whole next level of analytical curiosity. The differences are all angles from the same orientation but different rectangles.  So the letters are all the same (D2 and D1) and the subscripts in the same orientation (smaller blue rectangle angles subtracted from the larger red rectangle angles). There are potential for negative differences but a ratio of two negatives such as identity 6 is still a positive ratio.
One might question why 13125/10000?  From other work such as the analysis of basic hydrogen wavelengths in the Lyman Series, the ratio of the most abundant hydrogen wavelength to the smallest listed one of that group is 1.3125, suggesting that 1.3125 has some fundamental use within hydrogen structure.  The use of the number without decimals tells MathCAD that this is a precise number and not a four point decimal of modest precision.  At this point, one has no clue that there is anything important about these identities and they are simply included in a trial operation to determine if they have some contribution towards the angle selection process of the Temple Layout angles.
The number 8 identity follows this same thinking in that the wavelength of the hydrogen most abundant isotope is typically given as 1215.668 angstrom. If the original ACAD data had not given this as 1.2156XX, it probably would have been discarded as an accident.  From other work, there is reason to suggest 1215667923 as a more precise value for this wavelength, but in fact the number 1215668000 provides a very similar symbolic result.  In the system solution, this identity must have some unforeseen flexibility. This feature is typically not possible with most simultaneous equation solutions.
The ninth identity was a total shock and little hope was taken that it might in fact work with the others in some type of precise symbolic solution.  But the data said it was potentially there, so why not try it before looking for something else.
Now there are 9 identities and only 8 variables, so there is reason to believe that there might be some potential solution.  Typically in such matters, one does not find a precise solution but can maybe find a minimum error result which might still indicate that the overall design criteria used something similar.  It was a total shock that a symbolic result popped up whereby all identities are confirmed to in excess of 14 digits.  Typically in algebraic problems we use to teach the solving of simultaneous equations, we use very simple and easily graphically plotted equations like 4x – y = 3.  Even in industrial problem solving such as chemical reactors, there seldom is anything of this level of complexity and never, to my knowledge, involves basic hydrogen structure and the irrational number, natural log base e = 2.71828.
The actual symbolic solution shown below is a complex set of equations for each angle variable.  Note as in the analysis of the Great Pyramid footprint that one angle d1x is the basis for all the others. It is amazing below how many of the same numbers with the same decimals repeat as much as they do.
Considering the very fastidious nature of the Lubicz family including the step-daughter Lucie Lamy, one might conclude that measurements maybe were taken to something like a millimeter similar to the Cole Survey on the Great Pyramid.   In drawing the measurements onto a large piece of drawing paper, Ms Lamy might have attained accuracies of a small fraction of a degree. But with the use of ratios, sometimes apparent accuracies are improved by the cancelation of errors in both the numerator and denominator.
Since the author is an engineering manager and programmer, the reader might be tempted to suggest that the angles measured in ACAD were shifted to enhance the precision of the measured data.  But please examine the identities and try to conclude which way one might shift the data to even make it come out closer.  You are absolutely constrained by the sums to always be 360 degrees.  The sum to 190 and 170 leaves you with no idea which way to go with either one.  As it turns out, the number 3 and 4 identities are redundant and either one can be left out with the same solution, thereby making 8 variables and 8 equations.
If one were using the minimum error approach, one could shift variables one at a time in an attempt to minimize the overall error, but with industrial problems this seldom leads to a symbolic solution if one is not eminent anyway.  And 8 variables is a lot of trial and error approaches which would take perhaps many man-months of activities. In a looping program, 8 variables taken to a precision of just 4 digits (10,000 to the 8th power) might take months or more for a large computer to process.
But the reader needs to keep in mind that even if a very skilled programmer was able to make adjustments to the minimum error and ultimately find the symbolic solution, it does not change the fact that the solution does exist and fits the best measureable data to a supremely precise fashion. Can anyone provide a better explanation for the design criteria of the major rectangular areas? The probability of this precise model fitting randomly created angles is something like one in trillions of trillions.
What Does the Model Say?
If we were to walk thru the Temple, we cannot even see the entire layout in our vision.  We would have no idea whether some areas are perfect squares, rectangles or even curved slightly. Therefore, the purpose of the design layout cannot be to impress a casual observer with a precise artistic vision.  No doubt anyone would be impressed with the large structure, but little else is casually noticeable. But why do modern tourists walk thru the Temple and repeatedly come away with a feeling of something much greater?
Where identities 3, 4 and 9 have only two variables, one can easily plot lines by substituting a value X for one and plotting the other at Y.  This produces three parallel lines all fairly close to each other because all values are between say 83 and 96 degrees for X or Y. We can likewise, plot for identities 6 and 7 the differences for the numerator and denominator.  We again find lines parallel to the identities 3, 4 and 9.  When we complete all that can be done graphically with these five identities, we find a series of parallel lines all at a slope of 1 to 1.  This greatly improves the probability that a solution might exist.  It also proves that there was some design intent and these are not just random angles
Of course, with computer software such as MathCAD we can simply throw everything into the solver and it either finds something or it doesn’t.  In a matter of a few minutes, several strategies can be tested. In this case, something was found from the very first try.  There were absolutely no adjustments made from the initial readings in ACAD.
What might the model be trying to signal to someone that is trying to understand the angle selection process?
The use of 1.3125 could simply be a coincidence, since the ratio is repeated in nature regularly. But the use of 1.215668 is a very unlikely number to occur without the user knowing something about hydrogen fundamentals. The use of natural log base “e” suggests a higher understanding of mathematics than we typical ascribe to the ancients, although the sums of fractions was long in use and that parallels the use of logarithms. But the fact that five identities were plotted at the same 1 to 1 slope in the same direction indicates to me that the design had some superior mathematical capabilities, perhaps in excess of our typical modern capabilities. In modern teaching of simultaneous equations, it would take the professor far too long to come up with complex examples that worked using 8 variables, so the tendency in instructional problems is to use three or four simple ones even when using Matrix manipulations.
It is likely that thousands of people have scratched their heads trying to figure why the Temple was built the way it was. Since Google Earth came along, we have had a much better chance of viewing the entire structure at one time. The problem with dimensions is that most are unsure what units of measure to use.  My approach has been to mostly use only dimensionless ratios of lengths, areas and perimeters.  Angles have been used at 360 degrees for circles for a very long time and so are much more reliable.
This analysis is just on the angles.  Look at how much more there is to analyze. From work done on acoustic resonator chambers, the main temple area looks to be some type of acoustic coupling between say vibrations in the ground and the Schumann Resonance in the atmosphere initiated by lightning around the world.
What the Temple of Man actually did is still to be discovered. But certainly it indicates an understanding of mathematics and fundamental knowledge heretofore thought unattainable by early mankind. And without any doubt, if we were to construct something similar in modern times using perfect rectangles or squares, there would be absolutely no analysis even possible, as the layout would be as dumb as the objects are these days using our “modern methods” of designing for minimum strength and optimization of materials used..
Identities 5, 6, 7, and 8 have three to five variables and are impossible to use in some simple graphic format. One would have no idea what to do with any single variable, let alone a group of four or five.
The only way to fully appreciate the design is thru precise measurements and drawings as provided by Lucie Lamy.  And that information needs to be taken to the next higher level via modern technology to fully appreciate the message and perhaps functional purpose of the Temple. We must simply allow ourselves to think
outside of the perpetually blind box that the designers had no technologies.
This simple graphic below demonstrates that the Temple of Man is indeed a masterful design and likely does much more than mankind has even thought about up until this time. Other technical analysis indicates that this Temple is an acoustical engineer’s delight if we could get more technical people interested.
It would seem that everybody could see that the construction was done with purpose.  It just is not obvious what the design intent was. However, in Google Earth it is easy to determine that the offset angle below is very precisely similar to the Giza Pyramid angle which in turn is similar to the stars in Orion Belt. However, if instead using the lower star, one points to the Horsehead Nebula, the angle is exact.  It could be that the Orion Belt is used to attract attention to that general location and then refine the search to the Horsehead Nebula where there could be many planets and advanced intelligent life.
It does not seem likely that the layout of the Temple of Man and the Giza Pyramids is all some type of accident with construction folks drinking too much beer. It seems obvious the two designs are very similar in overall layout. If the design was in fact created by advanced civilizations for somewhere in the area of the Orion Belt, wouldn’t it be smart to study it a bit more and see if we could learn something useful.
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bransonjim9 at gmail dot com
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